Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012

Total Comfort U-Shape Body Pillow Cozyland ( MATERNITY PILLOW ) BANTAL HAMIL

A maternity pillow is designed to support your pregnant body, specifically your growing belly and back, when you’re lying down. Getting a good night’s sleep while pregnant can be an ordeal, and this is where a pregnancy pillow can help you.
Pregnant moms who struggle to find a comfortable position will love this Total Comfort U-Shape Body Pillow. Moms-to-be can sleep well and wake up without aches! The big, roughly U-shaped pillow has two contoured "legs" so you can sleep on your back or either side, tuck the end of the pillow between your knees, and elevate your head to ease heartburn.
This Maternity Pillow support for the back and belly at the same time. Simply reverse the ends of the body pillow for a "double decker" head support. It elevates and aligns the hips to help ensure a natural position, which relieves stress on joints. This Maternity pillow helps relieve carpal tunnel, sciatica, gastric reflux, and nasal congestion. This Pillow made with cotton fiber and comes with a custom cover case which can be removed for washing.

Product Features :
- Total U-Shape body pillow supports moms-to-be lying on either side or back
- Unique design and shape supports back and belly and elevates head to help prevent reflux
- Ships with pillowcase already on pillow, case can be removed for washing
- Product Dimension : 140 x 80 cm x 18 cm
- Shipping Weight: 12kg

Full 7 Body Pillow - Cozyland

Best Pillow Support for moms-to-be
Full 7 Body Pillow can improve sleep quality before, during and after your pregnancy.It has benefits to pregnant women for the Semi-Fetal sleeping position, recommended for moms-to-be. Made in Indonesia

This Full 7 Body Pillow provides comfort and ergonomic support from your neck to your feet providing all the support you need to reduce neck, head, and back strain whether you use it while you sleep or as a bed lounger when sitting up.
- Promotes muscular relaxation.
- Promote proper spinal alignment.
- Helps stimulate healthier circulation.

Full 7 Body pillows are excellent support for
- Side sleepers.
- Chronic neck and back pain sufferers.
- During pregnancy.
- Ideal for mothers-to-be, and after pregnancy to help with comfort and also when feeding.
- Helps in minimising light snoring where side sleeping is recommended.

Product Dimensions: 160 cm x 80 cm x 40 cm
Shipping Weight: 5 kg
Price Rp 290.000,-
Reseller are welcome
Contact / sms 082 111 600 620
Thank you

Kamis, 08 Juli 2010

Portable Baby Seat - Cozyland

Highchairs are great, except you don't have one. That's where Portable Baby Seat Cozyland comes in. It's perfect solution.

It safely covers a tot of between 8 until 30 months in almost any adult chair, like an instant highchair. It's the perfect solution for visiting, dining-out and holidaying.

Fits all shapes of chairs, Comes with its own matching bag !!!
Portable Baby Seat Cozyland made of poly-cotton, so it's fully washable and really easy to use, safe and comfort. It's a fabric baby chair that easily slips over most chairs, wherever you are. It tucks onto a built-in pocket and disappears in to your handbag
For 8 months ( when the child can sit up unassisted ) to 30 months
Max. 25 kg
Made in Indonesia
for more information, please sms/call 082111600620
Reseller are welcome
Thank you

Senin, 25 Januari 2010

Nursering Cover / Nursering Apron Cozyland

Dalam mendukung program ASI, Cozyland juga menyediakan Nursering Cover / Nursering Apron.

Sekarang tinggal pakai Nursering Apron Cozyland menyusui jadi lebih nyaman dan gaya dimana pun maupun kapan pun.

Bahan dari 100 % katun dengan 2 lapisan ( jadi dapat digunakan bolak balik ), dilengkapi dengan D - ring dari besi ( pastinya ga bisa berkarat ya ) berfungsi mengepaskan ukuran panjang pendek tali apron di leher ibu ( jadi dapat sesuaikan ). Selain itu Nursering Apron Cozyland juga dilengkapi saku multifungsi di sebelah sisi kanan nya.
Oh ya, setiap pembelian Nursering Apron dilengkapi dengan kantong serut, sehingga rapi dan mudah dibawa kemana saja.

Deskripsi Nursering Apron Cozyland :
- Terbuat dari bahan 100 % katun yang ringan, adem dan lembut bagi kulit bayi dan mommy.
- ukuran 87 x 68 cm, sehingga dapat menutup dengan optimal
- Bagian leher / kerah dilapisi bahan yg kaku tetapi elastis sehingga memungkinkan ibunda untuk melakukan kontak mata dengan bayi tercinta selama menyusui, selain juga memungkinkan bayi untuk dapat bernapas dengan leluasa
- Menggunakan tali di leher dilengkapi D - rings sehingga panjang tali dapat dengan mudah disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan
- Dilengkapi SAKU untuk dapat menyimpan keperluan ibu dan bayi seperti tissue, breast pad, dll
- Multifingsi : dapat digunakan sebagai penutup pada saat memompa ASI, sebagai selimut bayi, atau juga melindungi bayi dari sinar matahari yang berlebihan saat di luar ruangan atau di mobil.
- Setiap pembelian Apron mendapatkan POCKET untuk menyimpan ringkas.
- Tersedia dalam berbagai motif dan warna yang menarik, dilengkapi tas serut dengan bahan yang sama/ senada dengan nursing covernya.

Contact 082111600620
Reseller are welcome

Nursering Pillow / Bantal Menyusui - Cozyland

Bantal menyusui / Nursering Pillow merupakan revolusi bantal multifungsi untuk Mommy dan baby. Bantal menyusui ini merupakan salah satu kunci keberhasilan program ASI, dimana dengan bantal ini dapat mendukung Mom dan si kecil dalam proses menyusui, dengan memberikan rasa nyaman disetiap aktifitas.

Kegunaan bantal menyusui :
- Membantu dan memberi rasa nyaman saat menyusui, baik ibu dan bayi.
- Menopang baby, saat ibu melakukan beberapa aktivitas duduk.
- Membantu ibu hamil, sebagai penopang punggung.
- Dapat juga sebagai alat bantu belajar duduk si kecil.
- Membantu dan memberikan rasa nyaman bagi ibu dan bayi, selama berpergian di mobil.

Deskripsi Produk :
- ukuran : 66 x 52 cm
- sarung bantal 100 % catton, dapat dicuci
- bagian dalam dengan bahan pelapis 100 % catton, dapat dicuci / laundry
- isi dalam 100% new polyester fibre

Terdapat beberapa pilihan model cover

Reseller Are Welcome

contact 082111600620